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Tags > medical informatics
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A system for producing indexing recommendations to assist in the indexing process at NLM. Currently provides indexing recommendations to more than 100 journals based on the NLM Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) vocabulary.
MTI is the main product of the Indexing Initiative project and has been providing indexing recommendations based on the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) vocabulary since 2002. In 2011, NLM expanded MTI's role by designating it as the first-line indexer (MTIFL) for a few journals; today the MTIFL workflow includes over 350 journals and continues to increase. The close collaboration of the NLM Index Section, Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, and Office of Computer & Communications Systems continues to expand and refine the ability of MTI to provide assistance to the indexers.
July 19 2024
MetaMap is a highly configurable application developed by the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications at the National Library of Medicine (NLM) to map biomedical text to the UMLS Metathesaurus or, equivalently, to identify Metathesaurus concepts referred to in English text. MetaMap employs a knowledge-intensive approach, natural-language processing (NLP), and computational-linguistic techniques, and is used worldwide in industry and academia. At NLM, MetaMap is one of the foundations of NLM's Medical Text Indexer (MTI), which is applied to both semiautomatic and fully automatic indexing of biomedical literature. Technical documentation at http://metamap.nlm.nih.gov/#Downloads
July 19 2024
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The NIH Common Data Elements (CDE) Repository has been designed to provide access to structured human and machine-readable definitions of data elements that have been recommended or required by NIH Institutes and Centers and other organizations for use in research and for other purposes. Visit the NIH CDE Resource Portal for contextual information about the repository.
July 24 2024
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The SKR Project was initiated at NLM in order to develop programs to provide usable semantic representation of biomedical free text by building on resources currently available at the library. The SKR project is concerned with reliable and effective management of the information encoded in natural language texts. The project develops programs that provide usable semantic representation of biomedical text by building on resources currently available at the Library, especially the UMLS knowledge sources and the natural language processing tools provided by the SPECIALIST system. This Java-based API to the Semantic Knowledge Representation (SKR) Scheduler facility was created to provide users with the ability to programmatically submit jobs to the Scheduler Batch and Interactive facilities instead of using the Web-based interface.
July 19 2024
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 results
- anatomy (1)
- api (60)
- biochemistry (3)
- bioethics (1)
- biological assay (1)
- biology (1)
- biomedical research (2)
- biomedicine (1)
- biotechnology (2)
- books (6)
- chemicals (1)
- chemistry (2)
- chemistry physical (1)
- classification (3)
- clinical medicine (1)
- clinical quality measures (1)
- clinical trials (1)
- community health (2)
- computational biology (21)
- consumer health (2)
- cqm (1)
- data distribution (13)
- data specifications (2)
- data standards (1)
- dataset (64)
- dentistry (1)
- disaster information (1)
- drug label (2)
- drug terminology (1)
- drugs (8)
- education (5)
- environmental health (2)
- ethics medical (1)
- fda (1)
- generic (1)
- genes (2)
- genetics (13)
- genomics (34)
- health data standards (15)
- health services research (5)
- history of medicine (11)
- icd (1)
- images (9)
- library services (7)
- literature (15)
- macromolecules (1)
- medical devices (1)
- medical imaging (2)
- medical informatics
- medication (1)
- medicine (1)
- mesh (28)
- mesh 2023 update (26)
- mesh 2024 update (21)
- mesh 2025 update (7)
- molecular biology (2)
- multilanguage (1)
- nursing (2)
- open access (1)
- organic chemicals (1)
- phenotype (1)
- physician (1)
- population groups (2)
- protein (14)
- public health (6)
- pubmed (4)
- reference (12)
- retired (4)
- rxnorm (1)
- sars-cov-2 (1)
- scientist (1)
- semantic (1)
- snomed (1)
- software (6)
- supplements (5)
- terminologies (44)
- tools & utilities (43)
- toxicology (2)
- training and instruction (5)
- united states (2)
- videos (1)
- virus (4)