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*A file containing all Min/Max Baseline Reports for 2005-2023 in their original format is available in the Attachments section below. A second file includes a separate set of reports, made available from 2002-2017, that did not include OLDMEDLINE records.*
MEDLINE/PubMed annual statistical reports are based upon the data elements in the baseline versions of MEDLINE®/PubMed are available. For each year covered the reports include: total citations containing each element; total occurrences of each element; minimum/average/maximum occurrences of each element in a record; minimum/average/maximum length of a single element occurrence; average record size; and other statistical data describing the content and size of the elements.
September 6 2024
*A file containing all Misc Baseline Reports for 2018-2023 in their original format is available in the Attachments section below.*
MEDLINE/PubMed annual statistical reports are based upon the data elements in the baseline versions of MEDLINE®/PubMed are available. For each year covered the reports include: total citations containing each element; total occurrences of each element; minimum/average/maximum occurrences of each element in a record; minimum/average/maximum length of a single element occurrence; average record size; and other statistical data describing the content and size of the elements.
September 6 2024
External Link
PubMed is a free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health–both globally and personally.
The PubMed database contains citations and abstracts of biomedical literature. It does not include full text journal articles; however, links to the full text are often present when available from other sources, such as the publisher's website or PubMed Central (PMC).
See the PubMed User Guide for more information. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/help/
July 19 2024
Yearly citation totals from each year of the MEDLINE/PubMed Baseline referencing citations back to year 1781. These totals may increase over time for a particular year as new citations are added. For example, 25 citations were listed for the year 1800 in the 2018 MEDLINE/PubMed Baseline, while the 2019 Baseline includes 387 citations for that year.
September 3 2024
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 results
- anatomy (1)
- api (60)
- biochemistry (3)
- bioethics (1)
- biological assay (1)
- biology (1)
- biomedical research (2)
- biomedicine (1)
- biotechnology (2)
- books (6)
- chemicals (1)
- chemistry (2)
- chemistry physical (1)
- classification (3)
- clinical medicine (1)
- clinical quality measures (1)
- clinical trials (1)
- community health (2)
- computational biology (21)
- consumer health (2)
- cqm (1)
- data distribution (13)
- data specifications (2)
- data standards (1)
- dataset (64)
- dentistry (1)
- disaster information (1)
- drug label (2)
- drug terminology (1)
- drugs (8)
- education (5)
- environmental health (2)
- ethics medical (1)
- fda (1)
- generic (1)
- genes (2)
- genetics (13)
- genomics (34)
- health data standards (15)
- health services research (5)
- history of medicine (11)
- icd (1)
- images (9)
- library services (7)
- literature (15)
- macromolecules (1)
- medical devices (1)
- medical imaging (2)
- medical informatics (4)
- medication (1)
- medicine (1)
- mesh (28)
- mesh 2023 update (26)
- mesh 2024 update (21)
- mesh 2025 update (7)
- molecular biology (2)
- multilanguage (1)
- nursing (2)
- open access (1)
- organic chemicals (1)
- phenotype (1)
- physician (1)
- population groups (2)
- protein (14)
- public health (6)
- pubmed
- reference (12)
- retired (4)
- rxnorm (1)
- sars-cov-2 (1)
- scientist (1)
- semantic (1)
- snomed (1)
- software (6)
- supplements (5)
- terminologies (44)
- tools & utilities (43)
- toxicology (2)
- training and instruction (5)
- united states (2)
- videos (1)
- virus (4)